
A good start to the season
Anglers have been finding some nice stringers of walleyes this week. The weather has been fair for this time of year with temperatures in the lower 60’s. The water temperature has increased a few degrees this week.  Some of the best bites continue to be around shallow shorelines 10′-20′ in depth. A brightly colored jig or hammered gold spinner tipped with a minnow has worked well.  A few anglers have also been out in search of the bass and are finding a few.  Casting with a shad rap in the weedy bays have been the best locations just 3-5 miles away from the lodge and around the Oak Island area.

Summer 2011 Outlook
According to the MN DNR we have a strong and moderate year class of walleyes reaching the size of 13-17 inches this year.  We also have the same amount of trophy sized walleyes swimming like the past few. The past few years have been exceptional for both good eating and trophy walleye fishing.  Many guides say the past few years has been some of the best fishing they have seen in years!  Lake of the Woods also has one of the largest northern pike populations in Minnesota.  We are also a hot spot for incredible muskie fishing in the late summer and fall.  We are looking forward to another excellent fishing season. Come fish with us and explore Lake of the Woods this summer.

2011 Fishing Seasons & Notable Dates
Walleyes –  May 14, 2011-April 15, 2012
Northern Pike  – Continuous
Muskie – June 18-Nov 30
Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass – Continuous
Lake Sturgeon – July 1-Sept 30, Oct 1-April 23, 2012
Crappie – Continuous

Walleyes –May 21-Dec 31
Northern Pike – Continuous
Muskie – June 18-Dec 15
Largemouth & Smallmouth Bass – Continuous
Lake Sturgeon – Closed

May 30 – Memorial Day
June 10-12  – MN DNR Take a Kid Fishing Weekend – MN residents 16 and older fish free with children younger than 16.
June 19 – Father’s Day
July 4 – Independence Day
Sept 5 – Labor Day