Weather is cooling down!
We are starting to see the temperature dip. Snow and lows in the teens is in the forecast today and for the rest of the week! We are ready to get this water cooled down and make some ice. Current water temperature is 37 degrees.  Fall projects are in full swing and we are doing our ice dance! Who is with us?

Once we get the our first blast of cold air we just need zero degrees or colder for 10 days and we will have 10-12 inches of safe ice to start our season.  It doesn’t take long once we start freezing.  Get your reservations in now. Many dates are filling up fast!

ice-slIce Fishing season is soon here!

Stay tuned for updates. We are looking to another fun year!

For reservations click here to book now or call us at
Baudette/Rainy River Location: 800-862-8602
Oak Island & Eagle Ridge Location 800-772-8411

Who wants a FREE ICE FISHING TRIP this year?  Click here to enter for your chance to win!