Wheeler’s Point landing is open!
Birchdale, Frontier, Vidas and Timbermill Park as well. Our lodging is full for 4/10 & 4/11 but we have openings the rest of the month.
Lots of fishing opportunities available!
Walleye season is open until April 14, re-opening May 9. Sturgeon catch and release season is open now through April 23. Keep one within size limits April 24-May 7 and catch and release again May 8-15 before the season closes for a short time May 16-June 30. Northern Pike season will be heating up very soon. Spring is a great time to catch some of these monsters and did you know Lake of the Woods is one of the top 5 best places in the state to catch a trophy pike! Northern pike season is open year round.
Spring Lodging Special
Lodging as low as $40 per person per night! (plus tax based on double occupancy) Now through May 20. Guided trips and boat docking available too. Book your trip today! 800-862-8602 or online by clicking here.