Sportsman’s Lodge
Catching Nice Walleyes
Check out the pictures of the week! The Schultz group had a great time catching some nice fish with Captain Brent and check out the pics from a group of Baseball Buddies who caught a 30 inch walleye! Nice fish guys! Thanks for coming!
A 3/8-1/2 oz jig and shiner or chub has been working well. Some anglers still catching some on spinners and a minnow. Water temp is slowly moving down, currently in the lower 50’s. Fishing has been good outside of the gap and getting better in the river. Notable depths have been 17’-21’ and 24’-27’ lately. Gold has been the hot color.

For sturgeon, holes in the river and bay are the place to be using a 5/0 circle hook, 3-5 ounce roll sinker, and a gob of minnows with a shiner or two. Areas with a little current along a hole are a good spot to try too. Sturgeon are catch and release now through April 23.
Fall Openings Available
Lodging is open year-round here at Sportsman’s, boat slips until ice starts to form. We close up our dining, bar, and pool for a short time late October through early December. Our charter trips are available until late October and Ice Fishing starts in early December. We still have some openings for a fall trip especially midweek and the last weekend in October through November. Give us a call at 800-862-8602.
The Annual Halloween Party is on October 30
Get in some fishing and stay for the party! Our annual parties are always a great time. Entertainment, food and drink specials, $200 CASH for best costume, and more.
Looking for a seasonal RV Spot for next summer?
Check out Bur Oak Campground just a short walk from the lodge. Ask about their fall preview specials and come check it out this fall.
Sportsman’s Oak Island
Last weekend until December here in the Islands.
A jig and minnow along shorelines, gaps, and areas with current have been good walleye spots. Water temp is in the lower 50’s. Crappies are hungry 24’-30’ in areas with structure with a small jig and minnow. Muskies are active in rocky weedy bays using spinnerbaits. We have some monster pike, jumbo perch, and smallmouth bass too. The lodge will close after this weekend and re-open on December 26. The office will continue to be open through the fall so you can make your winter and next summer reservations. Thank you for another great season!
Ice fishing season is not too far away. Click here to check out all of our winter options.