Sportsman’s Lodge
Walleyes – Pike – Sturgeon – Bass
Take your pick or try them all. Water temp is now in the lower 50’s. The jig bite for walleyes is heating up more and more by the day in gaps, river, and bays. Anchored using glow in the dark, bright colored or gold jigs have been working the best in 8’-14’ and 20’-26’tipped with a shiner or chub. More shiners are running this week!

Large pike have been biting in the bays, some on walleye rigs, and reeled in by surprise. If you are looking to target pike, try trolling crankbaits around rocky points and cabbage weed bays. For sturgeon, holes in the river and bay are the place to be using a 5/0 circle hook, 3-5 ounce roll sinker, and a gob of minnows with a shiner or two. Don’t count out the smallmouth bass. There are thousands of rock reefs and rock piles in the lake and river where they like to be. Throw out a crankbait and give it a shot.
Midweek October Openings
Give us a call and come wet a line. Lodge Rooms only $89 per night for 2 people and up to 20% off summer lodging and charter packages.
*plus tax
Sign up for our Sturgeon Tournament October 30 & 31
Cash prizes!
Click here to learn more or call us at 800-862-8602.
Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge
Walleye for Dinner
Points, shorelines, and areas with current are the hot spots right now to reel in a nice limit of walleye. Anchored jigging gold, glow in the dark, and pink jigs tipped with a chub, shiner, or Gulp have been working. The last few days a morning, afternoon, and evening run have been prominent.
You still have time!
We are open for softwater fishing for a few more weeks. Openings available for lodging, guides, and the passenger service can get you here and back. Give us a call at 800-772-8411.