Lake of the Woods Northwest Angle & Islands Fishing & Outdoor Report
Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge
Oak Island, MN
Walleyes & Perch…
The winter warm up started to bring out some perch. I think they must have thought we were in the end of February, when they usually start to show up. The perch came mainly from the shallow houses this past week. The walleyes that are being caught are a real nice size between 17”-19”and the afternoons are favoring the mornings. The best depth has been in 23’ of water just outside of Oak Island and the favorite tackle has been a gold or salmon red jig tipped with a chub minnow. Not too many reports of any slot fish or trophies, but plenty of nice quality size fish to make a good meal.
We had some recent guests enjoy our Snobear Trip and one of them; Brett Ommdt landed a real nice 27” walleye and released it. Check out Brett showing off his fish.
Ice Conditions
Above average temperatures, melting, rain and then a snow storm ending with -25 this morning rounded out this past week at Oak Island. It was a heck of a week for weather. The ice was not affected by the thaw and we still have 30 inches of ice in the well traveled areas and fishing spots we go to. Looks like we are in for a cold snap for awhile and thicker ice will be in our future. Time to get the auger extensions out!
Trail Conditions
Lake Trails
The weather over the past weekend got a bit too warm for snowmobilers and we saw rain and ice, but Sunday and Monday brought us a fresh new blanket of 6 inches of snow and colder temperatures. The trails are once again hard packed with a nice base of snow. We are half way thru the season, now is the time to ride! The groomers are out and by the weekend all of the lake trails will be groomed from Wheeler’s Point to Oak Island, Wheeler’s Point to Warroad, Wheeler’s Point to Baudette and Warroad to Oak Island.
Land Trails
The Edge Rider’s snowmobile club continues to groom the Northwest Angle Land trails and is out grooming as I write this getting the trails ready for the upcoming week.
Plowed road to island
The road is just recently plowed after the storm and in great shape.