Lake of the Woods Northwest Angle and
Islands Fishing & Outdoor Report
Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge
Oak Island, MN
Walleyes, Muskies, Northern Pike take your pick!
Now is a great time of year for walleyes, muskies or northern pike fishing near Oak Island and the Northwest Angle of Lake of the Woods. It really doesn’t take a whole lot of effort, just a bucket of minnows, rods, spinners or jigs (for walleyes), red & white spoons or buck tails for muskies and northerns and a good guide and your set. We have miles and miles of places to explore right out our back door.
Lots of nice fish have been caught recently of many different specie types, two twin twenty-eight inch walleyes were released this week, three northern pikes between the sizes of twenty-four inch and thirty five inches in length and a forty-eight inch muskie.
A look ahead
Fall foliage, hunting seasons, and excellent walleye, crappie fishing will soon be upon us. Make your reservations now and fall into walleyes with our reduced fall rates!
Only 2 months left of soft water fishing!
The cool weather will soon be upon us, so get your friends, family or business associates together and make plans for a trip today!