A week left of March and the river is nearly open to the lodge already. What a year!
As of this morning, the river had opened up 4 miles overnight and was open within 5 miles of the lodge We expect to have open water in front of the lodge later today or early tomorrow. 4 boat landings are open now. Birchdale, Frontier, Vidas and Timbermill. Wheeler’s Point is next. The edges of the ice are looking pretty soft and gray in front of the lodge and Wheeler’s Point landing.

Anglers are reporting a great walleye and sturgeon bite so far. Water clarity is a few feet and the current is slower than normal. We do have not much of any runoff left and the river level is much lower than it has been in years. As far as we know the “forks” have not let out yet. Once they let out it usually impacts the current, fishing, and water clarity for a few days but with a very low water level and not much runoff we are wondering if it will really make much of an impact this year? Many experts don’t think so.

Spring is here to stay it looks like. Give us a call to book your trip. We have lodging, guided fishing, a bar and restaurant, an indoor pool and hot tub, nightly camping spots opening May 1, and our new seasonal campground opening in late May this year. Something for everyone.