Shiner run is in full swing. Traps and nets are filling up every night and the walleyes are right on their tail! The river is getting better and better every day. Outside the gap is still dynamite. Great reports coming anywhere from 16’-30’. Pink, white, gold and chartreuse are all working. Obviously since the shiner run is so strong right now, tipping jigs with a shiner is going to be your best bet. Anchoring and staying vertical seems to a better way to target these walleyes other than drifting and moving. Water temperature is currently 53 degrees and dropping nearly a degree a day.
In the river, break lines and holes are the best areas to look for schools of fish. Anchor on or adjacent to these areas. Jig and shiner again is the best way to get these fish to bite! Four mile bay is very good as well. 12’-20’ is the best depth. Trolling plugs in the river has been good as well. Troll just fast enough to get keep those plugs moving.
The guides are ready to take you out! Guided trips available through late October.
Sportsman’s Annual Halloween Party is Saturday, Oct 28!
Throw your costume in your tackle box and join us for a great time. $200 cash awarded for best costume, lots of drink specials, entertainment and a whole lot of fun. Click here to learn more and book your lodging today.
Ice Fishing season is just around the corner! Do you have your reservations in yet?