Fishing continues to be great up here on LOW.  More rain this week has dropped the temperatures into the high 50s and the fall surge is on.  The shiners have started to make that classic fall push up the river as we are seeing more and more shiners in the traps and along the banks every day.  We are seeing more and more walleyes caught in the gap and in the river as of this last week.  The best spot for numbers of walleyes is still is out in front of the gap and pine island.  27’-30’ seems to be that magic depth.  Anchoring with a jig and shiner is the way to go right now.  The classic gold, pink, and chartreuse colors all are producing but it is day to day so if one color isn’t working don’t be afraid to try other colors.  Four mile bay is also kicking out some nice fish.  17’-20’ has been holding good number of walleyes and saugers.


Pike and sturgeon are getting very active too.  Big pike are pushing up following the shiners and the little fish that follow the shiners as well.  Flashy slower moving baits will do really good at getting these toothy predators to bite.   Big sturgeon are on the move as well, looking to pack on pounds.  Outside of the major holes in the river is a good spot to start to look for them.


It is looking like another amazing shiner run this year which should mean a great river bite and that will only continue to get better through September and into October.  Get up and let’s go fishing!

Sportsman’s Annual Halloween Party is Saturday, Oct 28!
Throw your costume in your tackle box and join us for a great time. $200 cash awarded for best costume, lots of drink specials, entertainment and a whole lot of fun. Click here to learn more and book your lodging today.

Ice Fishing season is just around the corner! Do you have your reservations in yet?
