Rolling into mid-July with water temps still hanging around that 70 degree mark, the walleyes are still hanging shallow. With the unseasonably cool June that we experienced, walleyes still haven’t pushed way out and are holding on structures. This means that drifting spinners and jigging are great way to target these walleyes! The spinner bite is rolling on and actually seeming to get better as we move through July. Hammered gold and white spinners tipped with a crawler seem to be producing the best. Concentrate on areas of 9’-17’, and make sure that you keep moving. .8 to 1 mph is a great speed to catch the attention of a hungry walleye.
Jigging is still catching fish as well. Gold and pink jigs tipped with either a leech or a minnow. These walleyes are slowing making their way deeper so if you are headed out jigging get out into that 30’-32’ range.
As summer gets hotter so will that classic trolling bite. 28’-32’ trolling cranks will continue to get better. Cover ground at about 2.5mph you will find the fish or give us a call, we have guides available! No equipment necessary and groups of 1+ welcome!
100% Walleye Guarantee!
Click here to for details!!!!
We are your family fun headquarters and late summer fishing is one of the best times a year to take kids out. Click here to learn more about our summer fun packages and contact us today for a free quote 800-862-8602.
Fishing is active! The guides are ready to take you out!