Sportsman’s Lodges Ice Report 12-23-2015
Need some more time….
We received 3 inches of snow yesterday so temperatures were not cool enough to make any ice but the good news is cooler temperatures are in the forecast! We did not have any snow on the lake before so these few inches should not change the ice making process to much. Temperatures are forecasted to dip into the single digits and below zero for the week ahead. This should help significantly. We are going to be checking ice again on Saturday, Dec 26 and going from there. Safety is our number one concern. Mother nature willing, we should be able to start the ice fishing season shortly after Christmas. Stay tuned!
No trails or roads are open at this time
We only report on the areas we fish and travel. Lake of the Woods and the Rainy River stretch many, many miles and every area freezes differently. We strongly encourage anyone venturing out to check with local resorts and bait shops before doing so.
From the Sportsman’s family to your family, Merry Christmas! We look forward to seeing you soon!