Nice size walleyes at Sportman’s Lodges!
70% Walleyes, 30% Sauger mix in ‘21-25’. Walleyes have been real nice size, 17”-19”. A few nice perch and pike have been found too. The bite was real active on Saturday, slowed a bit with the fierce cold front that has been moving through, but anglers have still catching some nice fish. Good runs reported between 8am-10:30am and 2:30pm-5:00pm. Pink 3/8 oz jigs tipped with a minnow has been the hot lure.
Ice Conditions
17-20 inches of ice in the areas we travel and fish right now. All of our houses are just off our groomed snowmobile trail.
Trail Conditions
Lake Trails
Fresh trail grooming will be done this week on the trails from Wheeler’s Point to Sportsman’s Oak Island Lodge and Wheeler’s Point to Warroad. As always, watch for the caution areas.
Ice Road
Ice road from Young’s Bay to the island is in good shape.